
Category: Autumn

The Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down

Autumn Leaves are one of my favourite natural instruments. That gorgeous crunch as you run through them is so pleasing to the ear – not to mention an enjoyable sensory experience! Enjoy sharing in the beauty of Autumn leaves with this action song that explores colours and free Autumn Leaves are one of my favourite…

Homemade Xylophone

Up for a quick DIY xylophone? This up-cycled musical play also doubles as a STEM activity. STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics. After the musical play, let your little ones immerse themselves in some calming sensory play as they pour…

Homemade Windchime

Up for an easy DIY wind chime? This is the perfect fine motor craft with an in-built threading activity. These types of early years activities help our children with their reading and writing skills later in life. Baby O also shows us that the DIY provides a lovely sensory batting play. What you’ll need: A stick …

Pop Goes the Weasel

This play song has a little of everything: nature, music and movement, creative expression and a focused instrument play. The song is bursting with invitations to create and be silly. The play I have designed serves to help children understand the songs form and use an accented beat presented with the ‘Pop’ lyric. Featured Products

Rain, Rain, go Away

Adding sign language to your singing has many benefits. Not only are you targeting fine motor development, but you’re also recognising your child’s natural desire to communicate using their body, boosting vocabulary, encouraging communication and potentially accelerating speech and emotional development. Perhaps most importantly, you are instilling inclusion and diversity into your child’s world.

Way up High in the Apple Tree

I love this song’s ability to use dance and movement as an expression of beat-keeping and dramatic play. In addition to our musical goals, we’re developing our child’s imagination and abstract thinking by encouraging them to think using symbols. This concept of thinking in symbols is linked to maths and literacy development as it forms…

Wind Blows

Is it windy where you are? Here is a fun rhyme to explore the feeling of wind whilst also learning body parts and engaging the senses. Reciting rhymes with your child helps build strong bonds, improves literacy development and the inspires the imagination.

Down the Little Raindrops Fall

Lyrics Down the little raindrops fall,down, down, down to the ground.Falling, falling oh so softly,they never seem to make a sound.

Leaves Are Falling


The Leaves are Falling
